Frequently Asked Questions
About Killjoy
What is Killjoy?
Killjoy is an online shop featuring a carefully selected mix of non-alcoholic beers and beverages. We carry a variety of products that you won’t find together anywhere else.
How Does it Work?
We sell beers by the 4- or 6-pack, so you can build your own mixed case in any combination. To make it effortless, go with one of our hand-picked bundles.
Do you sell individual beers by the can?
We only sell by the 4- or 6-pack, or by the case.
Why don’t you carry every N/A product you can get your hands on?
We know there are myriad non-alcoholic beers, spirits, and wines out there. We’re not carrying them all because we aim to show the very best of the non-alcoholic world by stocking the best available products. If you get it at Killjoy, you know it’s going to be good (we hope!).
We started with beer because it’s far and away the best non-alcoholic category out there. N/A beer is everything booze-beer is—hoppy, bubbly, sudsy, bitter, complex, refreshing—plus it’s a healthier option, since it does without the 4-12% alcohol.
Trust us: We are on the hunt for non-alcoholic wines and spirits that satisfy in the same way as N/A beers. When we find them, you’ll find them here.
Do you carry low-alcohol beers?
Low-alcohol beers, meaning 3% or less ABV, are getting kind of popular, but we don’t carry them. When it comes to alcohol, we’re nothing—or nothing.
About Shipping
Where do you ship from?
Our headquarters in Eugene, OR.
Where do you ship?
Anywhere in the U.S., except for the following states: NE, ID, GA, SC, MI, MS, and KS.
We deliver to the Eugene, OR area FREE (on orders of $40 or more)! You can’t beat that, Eugenians!
How do you ship?
Via FedEx and UPS.
How can I stretch my shipping buck?
Right now, shipping costs are most reasonable to OR, WA, CA, MT, CO, UT, and NV.
As a rule, the more you buy, the less you’ll pay in shipping per pack. We recommend buying by the case, meaning 16-24 beers (four 4- or 6-packs). The most we can ship in one box is about 42 pounds, or two cases.
Is shipping non-alcoholic beer as complicated as shipping beer, wine, and spirits?
What else do I need to know?
Non-alcoholic beer is not as delicate as wine, but we will do everything we can—including holding shipments—to avoid extreme heat. This is especially applicable to unpasteurized beers, which can re-ferment in the can and KABOOM!
About Non-Alcoholic Beer
What's the point?
Go for a run, hike or bike ride, then come home and crack an NA beer. Drink one after work or with an old friend, sitting on the porch. The ritual is there—the pop of the can, the pour, the clinking of glasses—as are the flavor, complexity, the refreshment. These are the things we suspect most people really love about beer. The only thing missing is C2H6O, a poisonous chemical compound that can cause acute and long-term damage to your body.
We bet most people won’t miss it as much as they think they will.
Is there really no alcohol?
Any beer with less than 0.5% alcohol by volume (ABV) is generally accepted to be non-alcoholic, so that’s the rule we stick to. Note that most are not 0.0%, so if you have an allergy or a fraught relationship with alcohol, we urge caution.
How much alcohol is 0.5%?
A non-alcoholic beer has about as much alcohol as an overripe banana.
How do I store non-alcoholic beer?
Store non-alcoholic beer like you would beer—in the coolest non-freezing place you’ve got. The fridge is great, of course, but a wine cellar, dark basement, or cool closet will do.
Some of our beer is unpasteurized, which means it MUST be kept cold. Please take this advice seriously.